About This Episode
The Zombie Apocalypse rages on as Neil deGrasse Tyson and his heroic sidekick Eugene Mirman hunt for the truth on two fronts. First, World War Z author Max Brooks explains why the world’s gone zombie-crazy, what the best weapon is for dispatching zombies (Hint: it’s not a gun), and why the CDC has a “wonderful zombie plan.” Next, zombies take a back seat to real life viral threats, thanks to Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Laurie Garrett, who’s been on the inside of outbreaks around the world including Ebola, SARS and the Black Plague. She describes how governments and viruses don’t mix, from the ongoing Russian biological warfare apparatus to terrorists targeting Polio aid workers in response to CIA activities to the SARS outbreak and its fatal cover up by the Chinese government.
If you missed Zombie Apocalypse Part 1, catch up on it here.
NOTE: All-Access subscribers can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here: Zombie Apocalypse (Part 2).