StarTalk Live! Let’s Make America Smart Again (Part 1)

On stage before “StarTalk Live! Let's Make America Smart Again” at the Count Basie Theatre. Left to Right: Jo Handelsman, Baratunde, Sen. Cory Booker, Eugene Mirman, Neil Tyson, Ophira Eisenberg, John Holdren. Credit: Elliot Severn
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About This Episode

StarTalk Radio is continuing its mission to Make America Smart Again (#LMASA), and what better platform to do it than at the Count Basie Theatre, in Red Bank, New Jersey? On 4/17/17, Neil deGrasse Tyson and his comic co-host Eugene Mirman were joined by New Jersey’s own, U.S. Senator Cory Booker, along with John Holdren, Science Advisor to President Obama, Jo Handelsman, former Associate Director for Science at the White House Office of Science and Technology, and comedians Ophira Eisenberg of NPR’s Ask Me Another and Baratunde Thurston of The Daily Show. You’ll hear discussion on social and political activism, using data to protest, and why science is the best investment for your tax dollars. Discover more about biomedical advances, microbiology, the microbiome, precision medicine, and gene-editing tools. You’ll also hear about rebalancing NASA’s budget to put the “science” back in rocket science. Senator Booker discusses President Trump’s proposed national budget, and the dangers it poses to science and technology in America. Neil talks about testifying in front of Congress, and John and Jo talk about working under the most science savvy President in modern times, President Barak Obama. All that, plus you’ll find out why Carl Sagan was never a fan of superheroes. And this is only Part One! Join us, and “Let’s Make America Smart Again!”

NOTE: All-Access subscribers can watch or listen to this entire episode commercial-free here: StarTalk Live! at the Count Basie Theatre: Let’s Make America Smart Again (Part 1). You can also listen to an unedited replay of the original live stream of the performance, which was included in All-Access subscriptions.

In This Episode

  • Host

    Neil deGrasse Tyson

    Neil deGrasse Tyson
  • Co-Host

    Eugene Mirman

    Eugene Mirman
  • Guest

    Cory Booker

    Cory Booker
    United States Senator
  • Guest

    John Holdren
    Former Science Advisor to President Obama, Former Head of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, Professor of Environmental Policy and Professor of Environmental Science and Policy at Harvard University
  • Guest

    Jo Handelsman

    Jo Handelsman
    Former Associate Director for Science at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, Director of the Wisconsin Institute of Discovery
  • Guest

    Ophira Eisenberg

    Ophira Eisenberg
  • Guest

    Baratunde Thurston

    Baratunde Thurston

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