About This Episode
On this episode of Playing with Science, hosts Chuck Nice and Gary O’Reilly investigate a growing trend in sports today – plant-powered athletes and plant-based diets. Joining Chuck and Gary on this episode is former German strongman athlete and professional speaker Patrik Baboumian, heavyweight boxer Cam F. Awesome, and vegan fitness and nutrition coach Karina Inkster to break down the keys to a successful switch to plant-based living.
You’ll find out what triggered Patrik to switch over to being vegan after years of competing and living off animal products. You’ll learn how his love of animals, and an interaction with a wounded raven, helped switch his mindset to incorporate veganism into his life. We discuss how long it takes to notice differences after one has switched to a plant-based diet. Patrik tells us the little-known health benefits about peanuts. You’ll hear about his participation in the film The Game Changers, which chronicles the rise of plant-based diets in world class athletes across all sports.
Discover how Cam’s last name came to be awesome, literally. He shares why he became vegan and doesn’t like to overtly broadcast his lifestyle unless asked about it. You also find out more about his Sunday Cook-A-Thons. Cam explains why using certain diet plans can help you understand your body like never before.
Lastly, Karina stops in to take us behind her process of coaching and training top vegan athletes around the world. Karina tells us why the study of plant-based lifestyle is still largely anecdotal and needs more peer-reviewed research. You’ll also learn about her 10-day way to start becoming vegan and why the focus should be meal-to-meal and not long-term. All that, plus, Chuck finds out if he can still eat Oreos if he decides to go vegan.
NOTE: All-Access subscribers can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here: Plant-Powered Athletes and Plant-Based Diets.