NFL Fitness and Nutrition (Repeat)

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In the NFL, when it comes to nutrition, fitness and playing with science, there is no off season, and you’re always training, always fueling. First up, Gary and Chuck talk with sport nutritionist Glen Tobias. You’ll hear about nutrition in the old days (steak and eggs, as much as you can eat) compared with today, where it’s all about timing, balancing protein, fat and carbs, supplementation, and hydration. You’ll also learn why sleep is a critical component for optimal performance, and why “mental nutrition is everything.” Glen explains how he tailors nutrition to each individual professional athlete, taking into account age, height, weight, what position they play, and even where they’re from. NFL quarterback Ryan Fitzpatrick (formerly of the NY Jets) tells Neil about developments in nutrition he’s seen over his career, including the Bod Pod, which gives you an accurate body fat percentage, and why eating a cheeseburger and fries just isn’t acceptable anymore. Find out about in-game nutrition including energy gels and goo, the benefit of sugar, and what the most important meal of the day is – and no, it’s not breakfast! Former NFL player, bodybuilder and carnivore Terry Crews tells Neil about his super high protein, low starch diet with lots of fruits and vegetables. Glen tells us why it’s not about losing weight, it’s about building muscle mass and losing fat. Moving on to advances in strength training and conditioning, Gary and Chuck interview Miami Dolphins Head of Strength and Conditioning Dave Puloka and Sports Performance Director Wayne Diesel of the Miami Dolphins. Learn how the NFL keeps its players healthy so they can perform at an optimal level on Sundays, with the best programs fine-tuning training based on individual player and position needs to avoid overtraining. Discover why recovery begins before the practice session with proper hydration and sleep, and how massage, cutting edge cryotherapy and ice baths become more important as the season goes on. Neil and 310 lb., former Baltimore Ravens offensive lineman John Urschel talk about how big NFL players are, and why bigger players are more nimble than ever before thanks to training and nutrition. Finally, explore why player tracking devices, GPS, and data collection are critical for optimizing player performance and preventing injuries in today’s NFL.

(Since we recorded this episode, John Urschel has retired from football, reportedly as a result of the JAMA study on the prevalence of chronic traumatic encephalopathy in deceased players, Ryan Fitzpatrick now plays quarterback for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, and Glen Tobias is with the Boston Red Sox.)

NOTE: All-Access subscribers can watch or listen to this entire episode commercial-free here: NFL Fitness and Nutrition.

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