October 10, 2017 9:44 pm

Want a Pair of Tickets to the ALCS, the NLCS or Game 1 of the World Series?

How would you like to get a pair of the hottest seats in town this October?

We’re talking about Major League Baseball’s Championship Series and the World Series itself. As part of our TuneIn First Play promotion, StarTalk Playing with Science and TuneIn are giving away a pair of tickets each for Game 4 of the ALCS and the NLCS, as well as to the first game of the World Series.

Illustration of a flaming baseball over a baseball field for the StarTalk Playing with Science and TuneIn World Series ticket giveaway. Credit: elinedesignservices/iStock.

Illustration Credit: elinedesignservices/iStock.

This Week: Tickets to the American League and National League Championship Series

Here’s all you have to do. On October 11th, go to TuneIn at 7pm ET and listen to our TuneIn First Play sneak peek episode, Surfs Up: The Big Waves. During one of our commercial breaks, Chuck Nice will come on the air and say a secret code words. Don’t worry about what it is, you’ll know it when you hear it. Just email that secret code words to [email protected].

We’ll look at the times you sent that email, and if you’re the tenth and 11th email we receive, you will receive a pair of tickets to Game 4 of either the ALCS or the NLCS, being played on October 17th and 18th. You can specify which of the two you would prefer, although the 10th email will get their first choice, and the 11th email will have to take what’s left.

IMPORTANT: There’s no purchase required, but if you don’t send us the correct secret words, your entry won’t be counted.

Remember to include your phone number in your email, so we can get in touch about how to get the tickets. Also, we’re just giving you the tickets. This does not include transportation, food, lodging, clothing, college tuition, alimony payments, or anything else.

Next Week: Tickets to the Major League Baseball World Series

We’ll do the same thing next week, but for World Series Game 1. Listen to the TuneIn First Play sneak peak version of our episode about the World Series that we’re posting exclusively on TuneIn on October 18th, and when you hear Chuck Nice say the secret words, send it to us in an email. If you’re the 25th email we receive, you’re going to the first game of the World Series.

Why wait until tomorrow night to check out StarTalk Playing with Science on TuneIn?  Head over to tunein.com/playingwithscience now so you’ll be ready when it really counts.


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