Season 6 Time Capsule
Season 6 Time Capsule

Season 6 Time Capsule (Part 2)

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About This Episode

You asked the questions, you chose the episodes: Join us for your favorite Cosmic Queries of Season 6, answered by your own personal astrophysicist, Neil deGrasse Tyson, guest host Bill Nye and co-hosts Chuck Nice and Leighann Lord. First, you’ll hear all about Bill Nye’s brush with death, climate change, his favorite episode of Star Trek, and Leonard Nimoy. Next, geek out with Neil and Chuck as they answer your questions about super powers, including Neil’s now infamous answer to the question, “When Superman farts, is the gas or the wind more lethal?” Sometimes, one host isn’t enough, and we got Neil and Bill together with Chuck to answer your questions about why rocket science is so hard. This season, we also devoted an entire episode to your questions about Star Trek, with Neil and co-host and notable Trekkie Leighann Lord discussing the Enterprise vs. the “Ship of the Imagination” from COSMOS, and trying to figure out how the warlike Klingons made it into space without destroying themselves first. And of course, we couldn’t put a pin on Season 6 without revisiting Bill Nye’s 2-part answer-fest about GMOs. Next, turn on all the lights when Bill and Chuck dive into the science of monsters for our Halloween episode, and then turn them off again when Neil, Chuck and guest Dr. Helen Fisher explore the science of love. Our Time Capsule concludes with your favorite Cosmic Queries episode of the season, Colonizing Mars, and Neil’s description of the impact of Martian gravity and atmosphere on the first baseball game between the NY Yankees and the Mars Cosmos.

NOTE: All-Access subscribers can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here: Season 6 Time Capsule (Part 2).

Cosmic Queries: Bill Nye Edition
Cosmic Queries: Super Powers
Cosmic Queries: Rocket Science Is Hard
Cosmic Queries: Star Trek
Cosmic Queries: GMOs with Bill Nye (Part 1)
Cosmic Queries: GMOs with Bill Nye (Part 2)
Cosmic Queries: Monsters with Bill Nye
Cosmic Queries – The Science of Love
Cosmic Queries: Colonizing Mars

In This Episode

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