This image, captured with the VISTA infrared survey telescope, as part of the Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) ESO public survey, shows the central part of the Milky Way. While normally hidden behind obscuring dust, the infrared capabilities of VISTA allow to study the stars close to the galactic centre.
This image, captured with the VISTA infrared survey telescope, as part of the Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) ESO public survey, shows the central part of the Milky Way. While normally hidden behind obscuring dust, the infrared capabilities of VISTA allow to study the stars close to the galactic centre.

Relativity Round-up: StarTalk Live! With Janna Levin

ESO/VVV Survey/D. Minniti, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
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About This Episode

Is the universe infinite? Neil deGrasse Tyson and comedian Paul Mecurio go to infinity and beyond as we explore the origins of relativity, time travel, and the discovery of expansion with astrophysicist Janna Levin, PhD live from Pioneer Works in Brooklyn.

What was Einstein’s biggest blunder? We discuss the theory of relativity, the cosmological constant and the concept of the universe’s beginning. Learn about variable stars, Henrietta Leavitt, and the stability of the universe.

Why was Einstein so hesitant about the Big Bang? We explore expansion and whether the universe has an edge. Are you at the center of everything? We discuss debates in science and whether the universe is infinite and static. What would a finite universe look like to a traveler?

Find out about Einstein’s relativity and the intersection of time and space. Could wormholes be used for time travel? We break down time travel in movies like Interstellar and Back to the Future, what is a Jinn particle, and free will. Is there a difference between traveling to the future versus traveling to the past?… Is there a future?

Thanks to our Patrons Shari Murnane, Gary, Eoghan Smyth, Dmitry Petrov, Paul Dragicevich, Elizabeth Flores, Joseph Russomano, and William Riley for supporting us this week.

NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free.