January 15, 2013 9:24 pm

Send Us Your Cosmic Quips and Clips

Wanted: Schrodingers Cat Dead and Alive

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Here at StarTalk Radio, it’s no secret that we believe that science and comedy work quite well together. And while it’s true that adding a little humor into the mix makes it easier for some people to enjoy (and understand) the science, it is also true that adding a little science into some humor can make for an explosive combination that makes you think while it makes you laugh.

For instance, take this tweet we saw from @MockingbirdDan:

“If I melt dry ice can I swim without getting wet? – Steven Wright

Or one of my favorites:

“Schrodinger’s cat walks into a bar. And doesn’t.”

What are your favorite science jokes, cartoons, videos, etc.? We’d like you to share them with us for new feature we’re calling Cosmic Quips and Clips. Just be sure that you respect copyrights and usage in whatever you send us. And if you’re a cartoonist or stand-up comic, we’re happy to give you a platform for your work.

You can send us links to YouTube videos, like this one about Neil Armstrong’s toothbrush from a young Jerry Seinfeld back in 1979:

Or this one, from Brian Regan, who imagines what it’d be like to brag about walking on the moon:

We’ll be setting up sections on our YouTube channel and our Pinterest board, as well as sharing our favorites on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. For now, though, please submit your favorites as comments to this blog post.

That’s it for now. Keep your Cosmic Quips and Clips coming.

–Jeffrey Simons


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