October 3, 2015 2:16 pm

Join StarTalk Radio in Celebrating World Space Week 2015

Logo for World SPace Week 2015, courtesy of http://www.worldspaceweek.org/.

World Space Week starts tomorrow, Oct. 4 and runs until Oct. 10.

What is World Space Week, you may ask?

It was started in 1999 with a resolution by the United Nations:

“The General Assembly declares 4 to 10 October World Space Week to celebrate each year at the international level the contributions of space science and technology to the betterment of the human condition”
–UN General Assembly resolution, 6 December 1999

According to the official World Space Week website:

“Since its United Nations declaration in 1999, World Space Week has grown into the largest public space event on Earth. More than 1,400 events in 80 countries celebrated the benefits of space and excitement about space exploration in 2014. With our new deep space discoveries theme “Discovery” we aim to inspire even more events around the world in October 2015.”

This year’s theme is “Discovery”, and if you visit the #WorldSpaceWeek website you can find a listing of events around the world in which you may want to take part.

We were bouncing around some ideas with our friends Andrew and Kaela over at TuneIn, one of our podcasting partners, and we thought we could help spread the idea of science literacy and help people “discover” some of the great podcasts being produced right now that bring the universe down to Earth – in addition to ours, of course, which we assume you’re already listening to since you’re reading this post.

So we’re going to put together two lists of space podcasts for you.

The first is going to be a list of the podcasts the StarTalk Team recommends. These are the space and astronomy focused podcasts we listen to when we’re not too busy putting together our own.

And the second list is going to be the most popular space podcasts suggested by you, our listeners. Rather than give you a survey, though, which might limit your suggestions, we want you to post them on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Google Plus using the hashtag #BestSpacePodcasts. Please post your suggestions by 9am EDT Monday. We’ll tally them up and put the most popular suggestions into the list.

Both lists, along with links to the recommended podcasts you, will be available on TuneIn starting Monday afternoon. We’ll provide a link for you once it exists on our social media channels, and I’ll even add it into this post once it exists.

UPDATE: Here are the links to the two podcast lists.

StarTalk Radio Fan Favorite Space Podcasts

StarTalk Team Recommended Space Podcasts

In addition, every night this week at 8pm EDT we’re also going to share one of our more popular episodes about “Discovery” on our social media accounts.  Whether you’ve heard these before or not, we think they’re a great way to celebrate how far humanity has come in exploring our solar system, our galaxy, and the cosmos itself.

That’s it for now. Keep Looking Up!
–Jeffrey Simons

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