About This Episode
“Everything we fight wars over on Earth – metals, minerals, energy, real estate – those things are in near infinite quantities in space. The Earth is a crumb in a supermarket filled with resources.” And that’s just a taste of astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson’s interview with the visionary Peter Diamandis, co-founder of Planetary Resources and founder of the X-Prize Foundation. They’ll discuss asteroid mining, space exploration with PR’s Arkyd-100 and 200 spacecraft, the role of greed in advancing our society and the economic and industrial impact of rare elements becoming abundant. You’ll learn about the different types of asteroids Planetary Resources is searching for, from carbonaceous chondrites that can be used as fuel depots for missions to the Moon and Mars, to PGM-rich asteroids worth billions. Plus, you’ll find out why comic co-host Chuck Nice calls Peter “a real-life James Bond villain.”
NOTE: All-Access subscribers can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here: Eureka! Asteroid Mining.