About This Episode
There have been so many new discoveries in science in the last few years – and you’ve asked questions about all of them. So this episode your own personal astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson and his trusty comic co-host Eugene Mirman tackle as many as they can. You’ll learn about bruises in the cosmic background radiation of the universe, using quantum entanglement for faster-than-light communication, the search for life on Mars and exoplanets, asteroid mining, black holes, universal expansion and our impending collision with the Andromeda galaxy – in 6 to 8 billion years. You’ll find out how an ion drive works, how space telescopes can use gravitational lensing to see farther into deep space, and how satellites stay in geostationary orbits. On a speculative level, Neil discusses warp drive technology, the multiverse, multiple time dimensions, and creationism.
NOTE: All-Access subscribers can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here: Cosmic Queries: New Discoveries.